Something has come up?

Have you placed a direct booking with us? Then we have avery flexible cancellation policy:

Full freedom up to 3 days before arrival
Cancelling up to 72 hours (3 days) before arrival is free of charge. For this we use 15:00 hours as arrival time. For example, if you have made a reservation for arrival on May 15th, you can cancel free of charge until 3 p.m. on May 12th.

Change the date free of charge up to 1 day before arrival
With a cancellation up to 27 hours (1 day) before arrival, you can reschedule the booking free of charge. Please immediately inform us the new arrival date. If you do not want to change the booking, we will charge 50% of the reservation value.

Cancellation within 1 day before arrival
If you cancel within 1 day before arrival (after 0:01 am on the day of arrival), we calculate 100% of the reservation value.

You haven't booked directly with us?
Please contact the party (eg where you have booked and ask for their cancellation policy.